Saturday, July 21, 2012

What is Toastmasters Exactly?
When people ask me what Toastmasters is, I have a hard time answering. Most know that it's a place where you learn to improve your communication skills and work on public speaking. But, that's just one part of it, there is SOOO much more to that. And I hope I can illustrate a few of those opportunities for you.

I joined Toastmasters  in January of 2012, at a club called Golden Mile (Downtown Montreal). If only someone had explained to me what Toastmasters would bring me exactly earlier... Ahhhh, I would have joined in college or even before that. I've only been a member for 7 months, but the experience, confidence, communication & leadership skills that I've learned is unprecedented.

First, let's start by the good humor that members of the club have. As soon as you come to the meeting, everyone greets you with such joy and respect that you can only feel rejuvenated (even if you've had a terrible day). At first I thought that it was only our club; somehow I had landed on the best club there was. But after visiting other clubs and participating in different toastmasters workshops, I realized that "being nice" was simply a Toastmaster's trait. Let's remember that Toastmasters is a non-profit, hence, members are volunteers (so nobody is getting paid to be nice).

Second, the knowledge/experience you gain is impossible to find elsewhere. I have studied in many parts of the world, worked in several different organizations, but Toastmasters is the ONLY place where I can confidently say that I learn something new EVERYDAY. From listening to inspiring speeches to learning about people's experiences; from meeting different professionals to practicing varied types of leadership tasks; from organizing events to building great listening/speaking skills, there are large numbers of opportunities open to members. You learn, learn, learn, then practice, practice, practice, and finally get evaluated on your work --> A wonderful school that costs so little. 

Last, but definitely not least, let’s talk about the network and connection you make. Toastmasters is an organization that has more than 270,000 members, all from different professions and backgrounds. It’s a place rich of educated and experienced professionals with 74% of members having a Bachelor Degree or higher. You can find a Toastmasters club in 116 countries, now that’s awesome! Give me the name of another school half as large and successful  as this one, and I'll join right now!

This is not to say that every Toastmaster experience is successful. At Toastmasters—more than anywhere else—you get what you have planted. Meaning, the more you give, the more you get back. A member that only attends one meeting a month is definitely not going to move as fast as someone who is there every week. Similarly, members who attend Toastmasters events outside of their clubs are more likely to meet other members and thus, make valuable connections and network.
To conclude, Toastmasters is more than a place to learn public speaking. It’s a place where you grow as a professional, as a leader, as a human while having fun. Whether you are an artist or an engineer; a singer or a student, nobody can tell you that being able to communicate better and lead better is not necessary in your field. Whoever tells you that, is not looking at the big picture or is simply against your growth. Trust me, no matter what field you are in or what goals you have in life, I can guarantee you that you will learn a great deal. But don’t take my word for it, just go visit you nearest Toastmasters club: