Saturday, March 29, 2014

Body or Mind?

Once in a while I sit on my couch and ponder about what I have learned this past year… Have I become a better person? Have I reached my potential as an educator? Have I made someone's life better than what it was? Or, really, have I just spent most of my days in bed, watching TV? Of course, answering these questions would take much more time than a few minutes of thoughts… Which is why I'm writing this. As I am typing this, I'm hoping that it will allow me to brainstorm and come up with a list of things that I am doing right, and things that I should work on.

I'm reaching the end of my 2nd year of my PhD program, so this is a great time to think about this. I have to admit, it was tough… Not so much the courses themselves, but balancing my studies with work, assignments, social life, other important goals, family matters… Phheeewwwww… It takes a toll on you. Yet, when you reach the end and realize that you did it, it almost makes you forget all the hardship that it took… So of course I'll do it again next year! Complain about it while it happen, and feel satisfied when it's over.

But really if I take a step back and look at things that happened, I have reached a few milestones that I am proud of. I am close to reaching the honour of 'Distinguished Toastmaster', I presented my academic research at a few renowned conferences, I launched an organization called ABA, I made enough money to pay rent, food, and even a few trips here and there (all this while studying full-time), I kept a high GPA at school, and I managed to support my friends when they needed me. BUT BUT BUT… I also lacked sleep, spent a considerable amount of time in front of my computer, ate unhealthy meals, and exercised very little. In other words, my mind has done lots of gymnastics (which is great), but my body none (which is terrible).

Here comes my dilemma: body or mind? If I start spending more time sleeping, eating healthier and moving around, that would considerably reduce the time I will use to work. Let's say I decide to walk to my university: that's 45 minutes time that I could have used reading an article. Let's say I decide to go to the gym 3 times a week, that's about 5 hours a week that I could have used to write an article. And when it comes to eating healthy, it's not so much that it takes time, but rather than it costs money… And when you are a full-time student, your source of income is limited…

Having said this, I of course understand that having a healthy mind with an unheatlhty body has limitations… Before you know it, your body will take over your mind; and then you will have nothing left. So, instead of sitting on this couch and writing this, perhaps it would be smart for me to get up and go for a run… Despite the cold. 

Yep, my brainstorming is over. Thanks for reading. Off I go!

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